Monday, June 30, 2008

Getting So Big, So Fast

We finally had to move DJ up to the "big boy" car seat!! He seems pretty comfortable in it.


We also bought him is first mobile car! He really seemed to enjoy it!


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Blowing Rasberries!

DJ has started doing this ALL THE TIME!! It is so cute. Except when he does it with a mouth full of food!! I was able to get a little of him on video. Make sure you volume is turned up so you can hear him.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This child can sleep anywhere!

I was finishing up dinner last night and DJ was playing on the floor in the living room. After a while, I noticed that he had gotten very quiet! I went into the living room to find this:



Poor guy was so tired!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

6 Months Old!!!

DJ is 6 months old today! I can't believe he is celebrating his 1/2 birthday today. It is amazing the difference 6 months can make!

Here is DJ at 1 day old, leaving the hospital:
In his car seat at 6 weeks old:
In his car seat at 6 months old:
With his moose at 1 week old:
With his moose at 6 weeks old:
With his moose at 6 months old:
Ready for his first UGA Football Game (about 2 weeks old):
Ready for his first UGA Baseball Game (6 months old):

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Today was Damon's first father's day. Here is the gift that DJ and I did for him. He really seemed to like it. DJ is wearing a pair of overalls that Damon had when he was a baby. I think it turned out pretty good!


We also got to let DJ get in Nana and Papa's pool for the first time. I think he really liked it. Nana and Papa bought him a little jet boat to float around in.



He really like for me to let him lay on his back and spin him around in the water!


And just for fun, here are some of him and Brooklyn playing together!


And if you look closely, you can see my TWO teeth!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Joining in on the family tradition

DJ didn't want cousin Willy to think that he was not going to participate in the family fun!! Although DJ couldn't wear this shirt at Christmas (he was only 2 days old!) and it is still too big now, we decided it was time to join in on the family tradition. So mommy told him the story about how cousin Willy got beat by a chicken in tic tac toe, and how the family has never let him forget about it. Willy got beat by a chicken!!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

5 Month Pictures

We finally got DJ's pictures back from Picture Me! I think they turned out great!





Eating solids

DJ is really starting to like his solids! We tried green beans the other day and he really seemed to like them!

Ok, let's try this stuff


That is pretty yummy! Give me some more.

This would go a lot faster if you would just give them to me!

Now, if I could just figure out how to get them into my mouth!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

First Tooth!!!

DJ's first tooth has finally come through. I was able to get a pretty good picture of it today.


Friday, June 6, 2008

Back to the doctor again today!

DJ had a recheck at the doctor's office today for his wheezing and ear infections. The doctor said that his lungs sounded very clear and that we could drop the Alubertol breathing treatments. But he wanted us to continue doing the Pulmacort for the rest of the month. He said his ears looked really good. He mentioned that he had a slight flat spot on his head and that he need to spend more time sitting up. Which I thought was werid because he sits up all the time!! He loves it.

Oh and his first tooth is almost all the way through and he now weighs 20 lbs 4 oz!!!!

DJ's New pool!

We bought DJ a kiddie pool. He loved it!! He splashed the water and played with the toys. He fell face first in the water a couple of time, but it didn't seem to bother him at all! He got sick a couple of days after we put him in it, so we haven't had another chance to let him play in it. I can't wait until he can try out Nana and Papa's big pool!!




Welcome to DJ's Blog!!!

Well, I finally decided to get with the program and start a blog for DJ!!! Hopefully I will be able to update this often! Thanks for visiting!!!